The design studio Lupo Burtscher has joined forces with Lungomare to form a cooperative. Our projects from 2021 onwards can be found on this website

Centro Audiovisivi Bolzano

Bolzano’s Audiovisual Centre offers citizens a media library for film enthusiasts and those who would like to develop their interest in films. The goal of the centre is the diffusion and development of audiovisual culture and multimedia. With the help of the wayfinding system in the audiovisual center and of the poster and postcard campaigns designed by Lupo Burtscher, the Audiovisual Centre should be presented to a broad public.

1/7Media library wayfinding system

2/7Media library wayfinding system

3/7Media library wayfinding system

4/7Media library wayfinding system

5/7Media library wayfinding system

6/7Media library wayfinding system

7/7Media library wayfinding system





“Have a few ideals! That’s all I’m asking of you” begs and cries the billboard, using a quote from Frank Capra’s movie Mr. Smith Goes to Washington. A number of similar quotes could be read throughout Bolzano during the campaign, arousing the curiosity of passers-by.





Cabdays 2010

Cabdays 2010, a film festival organised by the Audiovisual Centre, involved the presentation of contemporary South Tyrolean films. Lupo Burtscher created a poster made up of film fragments in graphic form.


Centro Audiovisivi Bolzano



Project team

Peter Torjai

Photo documentation

Ivo Corrà